With God’s help, our Congregation continues to work together to be witnesses of God’s Love in our community and the world.

We have a thrift shop in our church that is open to the public on first two Saturdays from 9 am TIL noon. Clothes for men, women and children are available, as well as gloves, hats, shoes and boots.

We support ‘New Beginnings’ with new school clothing for a Naugatuck Student.
We support shelters and community with donations of warm winter coat.

We support our Local food bank and soup kitchen. Donations to the Ecumenical Food Bank – Food collections on Communion Sunday – First Sunday.

Month of October Pumpkin Patch sales support the Navajo Indians in New Mexico.

Global Ministry-Through Global Ministries, Naugatuck UMC has sponsored Missionary John Nyday who coordinates this agricultural project in Cambine, Africa. This project is an initiative of the United Methodist Church of Mozambique offering training and produces food for the communities living in Cambine Educational Mission Center:  student , orphans, patients of the Clinic of Cambine as well as the other inhabitants of the Cambine and surrounding communities.